Monday, December 11, 2006

I am so neurotic.....

well, It's the Christmas season... but to tell you the truth, it just doesn't fell like it yet. I guess with our school project in full swing, and rain storms and +11 degree weather it makes it rather hard to feel christmasy. I can't wait till this monday when I get to fly home to wonderful Alberta.... oh how I can't wait. I get to visit Darcy and Beth and even see a doctor! ooohhh a doctor.... It'll be great to see some friends and as for the doctor... well.... I hate doctors, which is wierd because I am a rediculous hypocondriact... but I haven't seen a doctor in quite a few years.... and I'm sure I'm dying.... well, maybe not.... but I always have little symptoms of some disease and I assume I have that disease.... sometimes even if there is no possible way I could have that disease..... and it gets worse if I have a bad day..... I am crazy...... oh no... thats a symptom of some diseases!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! So, don't be suprised if when I come back from christmas I have cancer or Ostioperosis or Aids or some unkown disease....... and then die.... eh it's been a good run.... Just do this whole segment is not such a downer... I'm pretty sure all my symptoms are the direct result of dehidration, which is easily cured..... but it's just like I said.....hypocondriact....... so right now Iam driking a rediculous amount of water.... now at 4 large glasses and I took a multi vitamen too... that will save me.....

Whoooaaaa.... I just realized how much I digressed from christmas in that last paragraph....whoa..... how do I bring this back...... um, merry christmas? yeah, thats good.

okay.... something happy.... I've been watching the show Scrubs in my spare time. Like a lot... I've watched season one, three and five..... yeah, I watch a lot of T.V. in my time off.... but i watch while I make supper and stuff too.... so I don't just have like a lot of time off... I love the characters in it... I can associate with them.... thats good script structure and development! as a matter of fact.... I'm watching an episode right now. I kind of associate with JD..... which is scary.... but I also associate with the Janitor, who is in fact awesome..... and another sad thing is.... I want to be more like Doctor Cox.. not unlike JD..... yup.... thats sad.... but it's got to be a good show if it draws you in like that........*uncomfortable cough*.....awkward...

And tonight I'm going to see Vanessa Silva play at the Backstage Lounge on Granville Island, so it should be a good time.

um, yeah.... so merry christmas!!!!

Andrew Sorenson


Anonymous said...

Just remember Andrew, everyone has aids. Oh and I will bet
you a nickel that Clint watches more Buffy than you Scrubs.
By the way, Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

i. freaking. love. scrubs. also, i bet you have lupus...aka. SLE...(did you know i have a pathology midterm coming up?) also i think that this random quote sums up the way i feel about getting to see you SO SOON..."if my excitement were matter, it would collapse into a singularity under its own immensity." also, i hope you dont have aids. or lupus. or "laids" which may or maynot be entirely made up...

Anonymous said...

I have hypochondria too, I think. I go to the doctor at least once a month, but he always manages to find something wrong. Which means I'm so good at being a hypochondriac that I imagine my illness into real life.

Anonymous said...

uh....i think you just got dissed and spamed at the same time!

Anonymous said...
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Andrew Sorenson said...

just for those of which are wondering what beth is talking about.... there was some spam messages which I deleted. and oddly enough , they were dissing me.... so that is what she is referencing....not what kourtny was saying... thank you.

Anonymous said...

yay! now i dont sound crazy! thanks andrew.

Anonymous said...

ps. know what hypochondria reminds me of? that play that we were in at lcbi and sarah said "all men are hypochondriacs"...yep. just thought you'd like to know

Girl_In_Saskatoon said...

Lucky i want to see darcy. Have a good christmas.

Anonymous said...

So I finally have gone on your blog, and I must say I'm a tad dissapointed, I was expecting more pictures and colours, you would think someone who was dying of aids would take the time to appreciate the little things in life, but anyway, You should tell me when you are going back to Alberta and for how long, cause perhaps there would be a possibility of me going out there...perhaps. So don't die for a while hey, but if you do, make it count.

Anonymous said...

CLINTON!!!! we live in the same freaking city and you only talk to me at stop lights and now you are going to drive 4.5ish hours just to see andrew because hes dying of aids? man. at least come visit me while your out here!

Anonymous said...

hey...are you going to see corb lund on new years?