Monday, July 16, 2007

The continuing saga of the roast

The midnight roast continued late into the night. The clock slowly moved forward moving closer towards morning with each tick and tock. All things told, it took till about 4:30 for the roast to be finished. It was quite ridiculous. So I didn't eat any of it last night, as I was dead tired, but, I did eat some today. It was awesome! I love roast and horseradish. So very tasty. So after all that adventure, all is well.

Till the next adventure...


Anonymous said...

ew. worst story ever. i hate roast.

Andrew Sorenson said...

Not cool anonymous, not cool.

Anonymous said...

very cool. and you know it.

Tamara said...

I, for one, am in full support of late night roasting.

Kudos to you, random roaster. You are a king in my eyes.

Or at least a really awesome person, either way.