Saturday, October 07, 2006

Farm + Bumbershoot

Scenes from my trip to Seattle, Bumbershoot a huge music festival held every year.....

David Cross a comedian most recently from Fox's Arrested Developmet dancing for a Spoon show.
(note: I stole these pictures from Nathan)

a panorama of my farm taken on my new camera phone.
ain't it perty?


Anonymous said...

Hey slacker-

What kind of camera did you get?
And are you in Vancouver yet?
And have you listened to the greatest album of all time yet? (New Decemberists: The Crane Wife)

Andrew Sorenson said...

Hey I finally am in Vancouver, I don't have internet yet, which sucks. but this place is cool. kinda hectic. We took a bus downtown today and we couldn't figure out how to get of. (You have to stand on the steps, who knew) We also saw the filming of fantastic four in the downtown. I have pictures from new york, I'll post them as soon as I have internet.

I got the sony ericsson 810wi or whatever, it's okay. the phone is not as good, but the music and camera are nice.

no I haven't listened to that album yet, although I gues I've heard a song off of it, I'll look into it....

So, I have a sweet new pad if anyone wants to visit, 1915 W. Broadway apt. 20. it's pretty swanky right now, we went to ikea.

thats it for now from BC!!!!
P.S: NATE- mom says hi!